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Please post web finds (including's) here: Post Ebay/Web Hermes Finds

Happy online shopping
Just here to vent about not being able to get anything fast enough before the bots or possible resellers get to them despite stalking the eu website alll day most days
I feel you. It feels like impossible at this time and just give up lol. I’m just gonna wait patiently for my SA :sad:
Not sure if EU is like US but if you want this bag somehow (I mean I can’t imagine why…:smile:) it is always available. Everything else is next to impossible to purchase.

Besides the IG account @hermes_bonbon I've also found another @caduceusbot posting updates when there is new stock. It seems to be posting a bit earlier than bonbon but not as good in terms of country coverage. If you are in the US or canada then you may be in luck.

Caduceusbot is also offering this stock alert service for a small fee. Of course the people behind it are anonymous as H would send them a cease and desist immediately :lol: Anyone is subscribed to their service and wants to share their experience? Just curious.
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Would like to buy a (beautiful) GP, it appears in my cart but when I try to go on and purchase it, I receive a msg saying that the product is out of stock… do you think that perhaps if I keep refreshing the page the situation might change or is it just gone? :crybaby:

Would like to buy a (beautiful) GP, it appears in my cart but when I try to go on and purchase it, I receive a msg saying that the product is out of stock… do you think that perhaps if I keep refreshing the page the situation might change or is it just gone? :crybaby:

View attachment 5658854
I don’t think refreshing will help. If you refresh too much, they will think you are a bot and you will be banned on their site for a day or so. I know from experience. I even called customer service, when this happened but they didn’t unlock me. I have ran into the same issue lots when trying to purchase a few leather goods…Kelly to go, eveylenes, and picotins. I have managed to only buy 2 items from their site successfully in the last year and a half.
Would like to buy a (beautiful) GP, it appears in my cart but when I try to go on and purchase it, I receive a msg saying that the product is out of stock… do you think that perhaps if I keep refreshing the page the situation might change or is it just gone? :crybaby:

View attachment 5658854
Thats a nice color. Rouge H. I consider it pop neutral
Hi @Xthgirl, yes the color is beautiful indeed! It is one of my favorite colors from H: I find it very elegant and the contrast stitching is a plus!

@bernpl you are perfectly right, in the end the product disappeared from my cart too and now there is no trace of it on the website :sad:
This is from my personal experience from last week. I just happened to put a picotin micro in my cart and tried to checkout but same issue with you out of stock. Then I decided to try Apple Pay instead and refreshed a few times and it went through with Apple Pay. I was skeptical that I would even get the item because it said out of stock but it went through and I received the item. From now on I’m using Apple pay for payment because of the resellers etc. Its frustrating and hard to get items online.
Would like to buy a (beautiful) GP, it appears in my cart but when I try to go on and purchase it, I receive a msg saying that the product is out of stock… do you think that perhaps if I keep refreshing the page the situation might change or is it just gone? :crybaby:

View attachment 5658854
I already vented on the Evelyne Clubhouse thread about bots as well but sharing the same frustration as the rest of you. It's terrible and frustrating for sure! I don't know if I'll ever get lucky with the bag I want but I'm glad to see at least some of you were successful - better in your closets than going to a reseller.