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Not everything from is shipped with the silver wrapping. I just received a large package from their warehouse today via FedEx that was in the boutique style shipping box like 2lg2qt.

It would be interesting to hear more details and the outcome of this from the thread starter!

Everything I received past & currently from came in silver wrapping. Orders from boutiques arrived via FedEx
I live in the US
Your experience may have been different
I live in the US as well and my experience has differed.

I ordered this item directly from and here is how it was delivered. I did my best to photoshop out my personal information but you can see on the shipping label. (My apologies for the gigantic photo -- ugh!)

Items marked with having a shipping delay of 3-5 days on the website are actually located in a boutique. I previously thought that these items were first shipped to the warehouse for inspection and then onto the customer. It appears that this may not always be the case!

But, it is possible to have an item ordered from to be delivered in this totally uninspiring packaging, without the holes and rips, of course! :smile:


  • box.jpg box.jpg
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I live in the US as well and my experience has differed.

I ordered this item directly from and here is how it was delivered. I did my best to photoshop out my personal information but you can see on the shipping label. (My apologies for the gigantic photo -- ugh!)

Items marked with having a shipping delay of 3-5 days on the website are actually located in a boutique. I previously thought that these items were first shipped to the warehouse for inspection and then onto the customer. It appears that this may not always be the case!

But, it is possible to have an item ordered from to be delivered in this totally uninspiring packaging, without the holes and rips, of course! :smile:

I was told the same as you about shipping delay. Did you call customer service & explain what happened?A package arriving in the condition you received deserves an explanation, even if the merchandise seems ok
I live in the US as well and my experience has differed.

I ordered this item directly from and here is how it was delivered. I did my best to photoshop out my personal information but you can see on the shipping label. (My apologies for the gigantic photo -- ugh!)

Items marked with having a shipping delay of 3-5 days on the website are actually located in a boutique. I previously thought that these items were first shipped to the warehouse for inspection and then onto the customer. It appears that this may not always be the case!

But, it is possible to have an item ordered from to be delivered in this totally uninspiring packaging, without the holes and rips, of course! :smile:
Yeesh uninspiring packaging is right!
I was told the same as you about shipping delay. Did you call customer service & explain what happened?A package arriving in the condition you received deserves an explanation, even if the merchandise seems ok

Fortunately, my package was received in perfect condition!

It was 2lg2qt who received the damaged package and started this thread. S/he has never posted an update but it seems that the rest of us are in agreement that regardless of the presence or absence of silver foil, no one should ever accept a package like that!
Fortunately, my package was received in perfect condition!

It was 2lg2qt who received the damaged package and started this thread. S/he has never posted an update but it seems that the rest of us are in agreement that regardless of the presence or absence of silver foil, no one should ever accept a package like that!

Thank you for the correction!
Hello ladies and gents. I have been ordering from for 6 years. Same account same password. Dont know what happened but apparently i put the wrong password 3 times in a row. Probably wasnt paying attention. Anyway I got locked out. The message said to try again in 30 min. But it has been now 5 days. I called customer service 2 days ago and emailed 2 times. Still nothing. They told me IT has to work on it. Has anyone had this experience? .
Hello ladies and gents. I have been ordering from for 6 years. Same account same password. Dont know what happened but apparently i put the wrong password 3 times in a row. Probably wasnt paying attention. Anyway I got locked out. The message said to try again in 30 min. But it has been now 5 days. I called customer service 2 days ago and emailed 2 times. Still nothing. They told me IT has to work on it. Has anyone had this experience? .

That's frustrating! Sorry, Onthego. I would probably have lost patience and created another account.