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Please post web finds (including's) here: Post Ebay/Web Hermes Finds

Happy online shopping
I love the larger images on the new site, and I find it easy to get around. What I miss is the function where, at checkout, you used to be able to see the quantity of inventory left on a certain item. So, I'd know if there was only one left, I'd have to checkout quickly!
Me too. The new website feels like a shopping site while the problematic old website feels more "Hermès".
Ha! I think you nailed it. The old website was hard to navigate, time-consuming, inefficient, elusive, and you weren't always sure they wanted you to actually buy their products, but oh so very beautiful. As if it was designed not for the user but for some mysterious idea of beauty. You could almost forget you were shopping, because it was so hard to get things. That's Hermes all right.

I prefer the new scarf organization, where clicking on CW options for a design gives you not only thumbnails of all the CWs but also the actual colors listed on one page (instead of having your to click on each one).

I do see your point, though. The old site sort of forced you to enter another world and wander around in its labyrinth. The new one lets you decide whether you want to travel to Planet H and take a tour today or just nip in and out. I like having the choice, but I see why one would miss aspects of the old one.
I agree it feels less fun than the old site. It’s built on a shopping cart technology platform so hopefully once they make sure the functionality is there, they can add back in more of the old H personality.

I think the old site felt more like the quirky, hard to navigate world of H and I guess I got used to it. But I do like the photo and menu layouts.
The complete redesign looks/behaves a lot better but the product line available online seems not to have expanded. Also there are some weird things with descriptions/sizes. Overall a better experience but it's odd to bother when not increasing the product footprint.

I'm curious what others think?