Help pimple won't go away

I have clear skin too and once in a while, I get those red, inflamed acne that just won't budge. While I tried a lot of inexpensive and expensive products, I found that "pure tea tree oil" worked! The inflammation is almost non-existent after a few applications. Best of all, it's natural and inexpensive. I would give this a try. I purchased mine from Whole Foods.
I think I have this problem and I'm not sure what to do. This bump on my nose has been here for years. I had a zit on my nose when I was a lot younger and i remember i popped it during lunch break. During recess lol I was playing basketball and kept swiping so a lot of the dirt from the basketball got in there so im sure it got infected. It doesn't look like a zit right now but a bump and I really want it to go away. Im not sure if it classifies as what you guys are talking about.
I have one on my hairline and it has been sitting there for a month at least. I tried squeezing it a a little but only a tiny bit of "goop" came out. Gross, I Anyway it is just sitting there. I have put alcohol, peroxide, salycic acid and the like. Still there and now another one to match directly on the other side almost same spot..grrrr. Thank goodness I have a dermatologist appt on Monday because I am going to have her shoot me up with the Cortisone all over my face is a mess right now :sad:
This is a really old thread - BUT - I had a pimple that wouldn't go away and it was actually something the dermatologist had to remove. I totally forget what it was, basically nothing, but it came off and has never made a return!
when blemishes keep reappearing, think going for a facial or dermatologist is the

best route.. they get it all out and can suggest something topical to use..

tea tree oil does work as it fights bacteria..
I was also going to suggest Mario Badescu products. They truly are wonderful! My dermatologist also works with an aesthetician and they are probably the best route to go. They will also tell you what to do or not do to hopefully reduce future breakouts like this.