Help me out...Louis Vuitton Cerises with datecode MI0015???

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Help me out here guys. I saw an amazing deal on Louis Vuitton Cerises Sac Plat on Ebay. The seller said the datecode was MI0015. I'm pretty sure Cerises line was discontinued even before 2004 :confused1: Are they still in production...did I misunderstand??? :hrmm:
Help me out here guys. I saw an amazing deal on Louis Vuitton Cerises Sac Plat on Ebay. The seller said the datecode was MI0015. I'm pretty sure Cerises line was discontinued even before 2004 :confused1: Are they still in production...did I misunderstand??? :hrmm:

Did you get this one? I was considering bidding (the only non-Buy It Now Sac Plat Cerises on ebay) but didn't. Price really was a steal...