Help me decide between popincourt haut or Tivoli GM

I love my PH and haven't had any complaints using it ... I have not seen the tivoli irl but it looks gorgeous and thinking of getting the GM as well. I also suggest trying both out and see which tugs at your heart! If you go with the PH, you can always get a little sumthin' sumthin' with the price difference:graucho:
like a wallet, cles or bandeau ...
Ok so I went to the store today and looked at the diff styles I am interested in...
Tivoli GM seemed HUGE! I love the style so much, but I just don't carry that much on a daily basis (and I am 5'2"). Pop Haut was cute and perfect size, but I didn't like the style as much as the Tivoli. Could a strap be put onto a PM size? (I really would like a shoulder bag this go around) Later in the morning, I saw a lady with a Manhattan PM w/strap attached. It was cute too! Thought?