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Feb 14, 2006
I have 3 Coach bags on hold and am so confused. I really liked the funkiness of the 'fish' tote, but it may not be versatile enough.

I also like these... what do you think?
Thanks so much.
Eucci985 said:
I don't really like them either, but the first one is definitely the best.
What about the new white Poppy Gallery Tote? It's gorgeous in person!

Good suggestion and thank you, but I can't get past the fact that it looks like a Kotex box...
I like the funkiness of the fish tote, too! Does versatility really matter that much in this case? It's not as if the colors of the 1st two would go with everything, either. I say, go w/your funky instincts!
They are all pretty loud and different but I'm guessing that is what you like about them. In that case I like the fish one the best, definatley a Spring/Summer bag only. Definetly wouldn't see ever else carrying one and it is very fun.

too funny about the poppy tote as it was starting to grow on me and your right it does look like a Kotex box now that is all I will think of.
Personally I'm not a huge fan of any. I do prefer the first one though. I think it looks better in person and seems as though it would be the easiest to find your things in (if you're any bit like me... I carry A LOT!). The one with the fish seems too season specific for my tastes, it is a cute bag though. Just my two cents. :o)
My vote is the first one. If you going to go bold, balls out. :lol:

I do like the style of the "fish" bag without the fish.

I say go with your instinct. Coach is pretty affordable, have you considered the possibilities of getting both?:love:
I don't like them either (but that doesn't matter, since you are the one having to wear them). Out of all of them, I like the colour scheme better on the fish bag (the turquoisy colour is nice). But... I don't know about the fish applique, in this instance.