Help! A pull in my cashmere shawl! What do I do?


Mar 17, 2006
Oh I was folding my Jungle Love shawl I noticed a small pull and the thread is in a little loop--does anyone know what to do? Should I take it to a tailor? I'm afraid to wear it...

thanks for any suggestions!
If the thread is not broken, sometimes you can massage it back into place, or a few quick, gentle tugs in the direction of the pulled thread can flatten the loop.
As long as the thread is not broken, you are okay. Can you ease it back into place? If you haven't done that before and/or are a bit nervous to try it, I'd suggest either taking it to H or a dry cleaner. It is really very easy to fix, the thing you want to avoid is breaking the thread. Have someone show you how and you can try it yourself next time. Good luck!