HBO's Cathouse


tPF Bish
Jul 7, 2006
I can't BELIEVE this isn't a topic yet!

Okay, favorite bunnies / favorite episodes?

For regular bunnies, I like Isabella, Danielle, Max, Karla, Shelly Dushell, Monica Morris, Sunset and Daisy.

(For bunnies you only really saw in one episode, I like Violet Blue and Jocelyn and Crystal.)

My favorite episode is the seventh one, "No Sex, Please." (It's the fetish one. I STILL can't get over how that guy wanted girls in spiked heels to walk all over him! It's crazy!)

I love how during the little seminars, the instructor would say something incredibly filthy and then go, "Isn't that fun?"
What in the world is this show?!!? lol I came in here thinking it was that one where they film cats just playing around the house hahahaha kinda like Meerkat Manor!
This show is like... real world with prostitutes.. yet I can't stop watching it...

Though, the post-op transexual guy whatever... that episode kind of fraeked me out...

I like Max.

and Airforce Amy is out of her friggin gourd.
i have no idea how i found this forum but it's pretty cool to read what you guys think. though i now work at the wild horse ranch it was a fun time over there.
take care!

I am so hooked on this show. It's trashy but oh so entertaining. I like Airforce Amy, Isabella Soprano, and Sunset Thomas. Can't think of one particular episode that's my favorite, but that's because I find it all so entertaining. I haven't seen any recent episodes though. Is it on rerun right now?