Have you published a book with Lulu or similar?


Sylvie Guillem fan
May 10, 2006
In addition to my artsy stuff, I write non-fiction books. I've been published the regular way: I do all the writing and marketing and then get 20% of the retail price. If I used an agent I get even less than 20%.

I'm done with that.

So I have been self-publishing mostly ebooks the last few years.

I'm getting ready to write the 6th edition of one book and I no longer have time for order fulfillment. I want to self-publish it as a paperback and then let the publishing company distribute it to Amazon and the others to sell.

I just want the checks and the applause. :cutesy:

i need a real ISBN, copyright, etc. I can create my own cover.

If you have published with Lulu or another self-publishing company, I'd love to read your post or pm.

Super TIA! :heart: :heart: :heart: