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I totally agree!ITA! Quality over quantity any day.
I also never reveal cost, although this info is readily available. I just tell people that I don't remember since I really don't think that it is anyone's business how much I choose to spend on my shoes. When people ask me at work, I tell them that I have a GF that gives me her employee discount (whcih is partially true) because otherwise they would think that something was wrong with the compensation scale.
Me too!!!Noe, you took the words right outta my mouth..!
We are all drinking buddies AND girlfriends.
I totally agree!
I hate when people ask me how much things cost...then you feel obligated to tell. Thats when they make a big stinking deal. I once told a girl off because she did not shut up about it. She sat across from me staring and saying she cant believe how much money I "waste". To top it all off...I just met her about and hour before she commented on my shoe habbit! People are weird and should keep their rude opinions to themselves!
We all work hard for what we have and no one should judge anyone because they choose to spend their earnings differently.
Me too!!!
Could you imagine all us crazy TPFers having look under the table all you see is red and hanging off our chairs will be beyond amazing bags! lol fun fun fun!
Everybody I know thinks I'm crazy for spending that much on shoes!
and that's why I come here!! believe it or not! this is paradise!And we would all respect each others spending habits!!
Nope. I dont know anyone who would spend that amount on shoes. It's a bit lonely, I'd love to have a friend to share in my addiction with!