Has anyone seen Silverado Python (original size) on sale anywhere?

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Luisa via roma has two pythons left - here is the link: luisaviaroma.com ::: shopping on line

If you live in the U.S., the bad thing about ordering a python product from them is the long wait to get the proper documentation to come through customs. It took two months for mine to arrive, and I was charged a $70.00 fee from the U.S. Wildlife, Fish & Game, or something or other - some government agency ooh ah. However, it is a great price, and my bag was in perfect condition. I'm not sure if the size is the one that you want. They have chamois and gris clair left. :smile: LG
I heard the same thing: the silverado is not going to be offered anymore.... however, there's a few authentic ones that pop up on ebay time to time --- but definitely get it authenticated first because there are more fake python than authentic ones out there.