Has Anyone Noticed a Significant Increase in Prices on Fall Lines?

....and the reason I am asking is that I read an article about handbags being the driving force for all fashion, more so than at any other time, so I was wondering who might be capitalizing on this fact.
I just ordered a Jenny Yuen Sherlock (sample sale). The regular price for this bag was $440 in the spring, and the rep told me in the fall, the price will be $595. That's a 35% increase!
Handbags are so popular because people are more likely to shell out the cash for a handbag than clothing... it's an item that can be used multiple times.. or even worn every day.
Hmmmm, I may have to find a new obsession. Just how many styles and colors do oil barrels come in? Will they make me look fat? What is the best way to carry an oil barrel?
Teeheee, I just couldn't resist making a remark about the rising cost of fashion and oil. :nuts:
I guess it is the law of supply and demand. Thinking about it, how many new members have joined this forum since last Spring? I guess that also gives some indication of the growing demand of designer handbags. And since demand is up, designer houses are trying to capitalise on it.
I noticed at Dillards the other day that even the every day bags, like Fossil, Aigner, VanZeeland, Sakk, all those bags have gone way up in price. Like a Fossil bag that had a glued on bottom for $180.!!!
I've noticed this too. I read somewhere once that designers capitalize on fall clothes and accessories because people will pay more for them then -- the textures (leather, wool) are more expensive to produce than the lighter summer stuff. I know that personally I am really drawn to the deeper, darker fall stuff when it first comes out.

Unfortunately there won't be a price drop later in the season for the biggies (LV, Chanel), but I suspect we'll see bags from the midrange designers like HH, Kooba, and Botkier start to go on sale around November, and then even more so in January.