Handshots Tiffany Soleste (pink halo) please


Jan 23, 2011
I would love to see some pictures of the Tiffany Soleste, both with an all white halo as well as the pink one. :amuse:
Thank you very much in advance!!! :heart::flowers:
What style of Soleste do you have in mind already?

Well, I’m not sure actually. There is only one Tiffany in the country where I live and they do not have a pink diamond soleste in stock. I only saw the all white one IRL. I really loved it, but it was smaller than I had in mind and I’m afraid the look will be “too much” on my size 4.5 finger. The SA wasn’t really helpful either - I did not have the feeling she would be happy to bring in other rings (at all). Anyhow, I’ll be traveling a lot this summer, so I hope I’ll get to see the pink one somewhere IRL (I’m not in a hurry). :smile:
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