Gucci Horsebit Clutch--vintage or classic style?

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That bag looks authentic to me but how does is the hardware? In real life the hardware on these bags has some weight to it and you can see the quality. The bags themselves are a but stiff in my opinion.
LeeMiller said:
That bag looks authentic to me but how does is the hardware? In real life the hardware on these bags has some weight to it and you can see the quality. The bags themselves are a but stiff in my opinion.

Thank you for your insight! The hardware is a good weight. I also posted photos to the Gucci authenticate forum and iadmireyoo thinks it's real. The seller on eBay has promised the store receipt. While I wait for that she recommended I bring it to a boutique to confirm its authenticity. I've read elsewhere that this can be done by asking for the manager. Spoke to Gucci Bal Harbor's supervisor yesterday and he said that they do not authenticate bags. Is this universally the case now with all boutiques? Thanks again