Great Thrift Store Directory....

:yahoo:If you type in your zip code this site will give you thrift stores in your area.

My friend was amazed to see thrift shops in her area that we never even knew about....we used to shop a few times a week, sadly I moved and there are no great shops here.....

Wanted to bump this thread. This site is awesome:smile:. I used it to look up thrift stores when I went to Hawaii.

They add stores that take proceeds for charity, & are always looking for new stores to add if you know any that aren't listed in your area.
In the UK, Marks and Spencer's collect for Oxfam and have "shwopping" bins in store so you can take in something worn out when you buy something new.

My 9 year old niece went through the box looking for things to take home!!!(high heels and dressing up clothes!)
Luckily Grandma (my mother) was on hand to buy her new seasons wardrobe from the girls department!!!