Picture if you will, a man, injured in an accident on the job 2 years ago, he has been on workers comp ever since, and he is trying to come up with some alternative way to try and support his family, as he was raised to believe that he as the man needs to be the main provider. He puts every last penny he has into purchasing an inventory of Authentic handbags to sell on Ebay, as he has tried Ebay out and it is working nicely. This man puts in long hours to make sure that the supplier he uses does indeed sell only authentic handbags. After some trial and error of purchasing replica handbags from a bogus supplier the previous month. Which he still hasn't been able to get contact with in order to send back for a refund. He sells a couple of handbags right away without any problems, he feels great about himself for the first time in 2 years, because he is actually starting to provide some nice extra income and he doesn't feel nearly like the useless person from days gone by. Fast forward to a few weeks ago when his listings start getting removed for Trademark missuse, he has no idea what this means because Ebay only refers him to many useless links that don't really explain much of anything. So he emails Ebay asking them to be more specific. Their reply to him is simply that they can't because they don't want sellers to be able to figure out a way to get around their rules. Now let's look back to 6 days ago when this honest fathers Account was suspended for the very same reasons that his listings were getting pulled. Now bear in mind that this person used his own pictures of his own inventory, he used his own words to describe them, he claimed many times in his listings that the handbags are in fact authentics, he made sure that there were pictures of the tags inside the bags, both sides showing manufactures name and product number. He did eberything that he was told to do right. Yet he is suspended, and has to admit guilt before being reinlisted. Crazy as it seems. Welcome to my life. Yes that's right, I have been cursed by Al Bundy himself !!!! I have since put a couple on Google and Amazon. But if anyone is interested in Gucci's and Burberry's feel free to tell me where else I can sell them at so as to get going again, and feel somewhat usefull again.
Best Regards,
Best Regards,