Funny Parisian Fake Story

I was walking around in Paris, near the Eiffel Tower, by myself with my damier azur pochette clès attached to a belt buckle on my jeans

I guess it did look rather careless since while walking around rather quickly it was flipping around everywhere but since I've had those jeans for some time now I wasn't worried about color transfer or anything

Anyways, as I started to walk slower to take a picture of the Eiffel tower, I noticed some girl was staring at it. It started getting really annoying. She had "uhhuh that is soooo not real!!!". Well soon enough she started approaching me and she went, in french of course: euh...hi all i wanted to know is if that was real (she was so expecting me to say no so then she could walk away all proud and stuff)
me: (bluntly) yes
her: how much was it
me: expensive

and then she quickly turned around and left :roflmfao: I had such a good time I hope it happens again
Once again I am shocked at the audacity of some people. Amazingly rude. Great answer when you said "expensive". No one's business how much you pay for ANYTHING. I am shaking my head.
Once again I am shocked at the audacity of some people. Amazingly rude. Great answer when you said "expensive". No one's business how much you pay for ANYTHING. I am shaking my head.

The first question my friends and family ask me when they see anything new is "how much". It gets very frustrating. My usual response is "more than I care to admit" or "more than you would guess" or something like that. I don't understand why people feel it is their business.
What really surprises me is that these people have no problem with asking people how much things cost or ask if something is real if they doubt it. I mean I would never dare say anything out loud like "that has to be a fake" even if I do think it. It just really surprised me but I'm happy with the way I reacted. I think it's rather "classy" to answer that way instead of, for example, yelling at her then grabbing her hair, pull some out and smunch in her face all while screaming to the world that buying a fake helps support child labor, terrorism and organised crime....just for example :shame: