Early this week, I had the issue with the BV ball bag and the pen mark--so disappointed.... Then I tracked down a MJ Stam in Taupe, but the color just wasn't doing anything for me. And I decided the Fendi B. Bag wasn't something I was in love with...
My mom was in town today, so we went shopping. Looking for THE purse... It's early for Spring merchandise, so I didn't want to just get something to get something. But I found something that I love!
I went to Burberry--normally not a "huge" fan since the Novacheck's been knocked off so much. Anyways, I found this bag--sooo in love. It's funky and classy at the same time--at least to me. And it's not a common purse, supposedly each store only got 1-2. I need to find my camera battery to post a pic, but here's one from the runway
My mom was in town today, so we went shopping. Looking for THE purse... It's early for Spring merchandise, so I didn't want to just get something to get something. But I found something that I love!
I went to Burberry--normally not a "huge" fan since the Novacheck's been knocked off so much. Anyways, I found this bag--sooo in love. It's funky and classy at the same time--at least to me. And it's not a common purse, supposedly each store only got 1-2. I need to find my camera battery to post a pic, but here's one from the runway