For the Manhattan GM owners.....

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Dec 14, 2005
....and anyone else with an opinion. ;) I just bought this a few weeks ago and loved it when I first got it. Now, sometimes I look at it an love it, other times I think it just SCREAMS at people and is just too loud of a bag. What do guys think? Is it really loud!!! to you too? Do you still love it or after a while it got so so to you?
The thing is, I loved it in the boutique and HAD to have it. I got it home and still loved it, but after a day or two, I just didn't know. Its a gorgeous bag but its such a looker. I like more understated bags. Funny thing is, I love the mono canvas. I think its the bold gold buckles and the fact that the bag has no patina b/c its new. I don't feel this way at all carrying my Speedy or Petit Noe, even though the P. Noe is RED! Odd.......
It's a very large bag, but it's beautiful. All of the Manhattan collection have a "chunky" look to them, but that was intentional by Marc Jacobs. A lot of his MJ bags have a chunky look, too.
The SA's in the stores love them even though they see them every day. Three of the SA's in the boutique I frequent own the GM and a fourth owns the PM. I own the Hudson bag. I've had it since October and I still love it. I don't use it every day, though. I'll use it for 4 or 5 days and then switch to another bag for a few days, so I use the Hudson about 5 or 6 days a month. Maybe I would get tired of it if it was the only one I used. Also, for some reason I think of the Manhattan collection as fall/winter bags? Because they're heavy? I don't know...
You're right about the light leather. It's like that bag has enough going on without bright light leather trim. When the leather darkens, it will look more understated.
I have the Manhattan GM and I love it more each time I use it. But I'm like BagLady14 and her Hudson -- I use it just a few days each month and then I switch to another bag.
I'm even worse than you, I bought mine about a month ago and haven't used it yet! I thought I couldn't live without it and now that I've got it I think just like you, is it too much ? besides the fact that it's pretty heavy, there just seems to be too much going on... I would really kick myself...