folded speedies?

I'm wondering if it was a certain dye lot of the interior that is turning everything pink for you guys. I have a damier speedy also and i did the rub test and i got zero color transfer. If it is a specific dye lot then LV needs to be prepared when the problem bags are returned to them, such as apologizing and giving a new bag to the customer
You know, Speedys are folded when they arrive from the factory. Mine wasn't, it was already stuffed and they placed it in a funny cardboard box. When I bought my mono Speedy, however, it was folded. The creases will come out, stuff the bag with tshirts.
I haven't had any problems, luckily. But red fabric does tend to do that in general. Ever try ironing something red?
This is really sad, to pay all that money and have that happen. Yeesh.I know, they really do wnat us to buy matching accessories. But frankly, they've gotten too fat and complacent. They make billions of dollars, for heaven's sake.
I think you guys should all get together and place a complaint or something, there are many of you on this forum that have had this problem so far and it's BS that LV is just saying they haven't heard of this yet as if they don't believe it could be a problem, hey these bags haven't been out that long, maybe it's just taken until now for everyone to realize! now THAT would be common sense..... AND BTW, who the F do they think they are saying it's common sense to not place light colored items in a red lined bag??? WTF, so I can't put most of my things in my $600 purse because it could ruin my stuff??? that's just WRONG! Things like this just make me VERY angry if you could tell, I've been thinking for the past couple years LV customer service has been going down (as the prices go UP) and when I hear things like this it just starts to confirm it for me.....You spend a lot on these bags to not have to worry about crap like this!

I'm feeling the same way here! If my $10 bag with colored interior doesnt bleed it makes no sense whatsoever for a $600 bag to bleed. its backwards! I would be so irritated if they told me I should know not to put light colored items in the bag because thn theyre implying that I am the one to blame and it is MY fault that the bag is staining my belongings... I mean... come on now! And I do agree that customer service has been going downhill as the prices skyrocket. I must say there are still some very nice sweet SA out there but for the most part, I feel customer service from the majority of SA ranges from mediocre to horrendous! AND,.... I HATE how they have no clear cut and set policy on defects such as this... it all depends on your luck with who you talk to or how that persons day went.. and depending on that, you either walk out with a new bag that day or they tell you you have to wait 4 weeks and then you have to chase them down to get info on how its going and after missing your new bag for 1 whole month... they can either say its not a known defect and you get ur original bag back with no changes, or they take the whole damn thing apart and give you one thats somewhat refurbished when you paid full retail for it... or then they might give you a new one. I just feel like we all pay so much for these bags we shouldnt have to stress about it, or jump through hoops to get a non-defective bag. :hysteric: