February Podium - how does it work?

MrsS, box is not discontinued, but production has slowed down. While it is still found in stores, it is not as prominent as Swift. It's a good thing I like this leather, otherwise I'd be sick of it by now.
bellagazer oooh I think it should come anytime! (actually I dont know anything but I hope yours comes soon!)

Oh I got it already :smile:
I'm just curious as to how the whole calendar works now for orders, because I ordered it in May, and she told me she "sending in all her stores orders very soon", that doesn't seem "very soon" to July? At least to me...
And if she waited until July, they sure whipped up the bags fast seeing as how I got my bag in October.. ?
Do they have orders only twice a year? And is it consistently July/Feb?
Just being curious for next time... ;)