fashion help needed.

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Dec 25, 2005
I just got back from Dillards a few hours ago because I had a gift card that needed using up (got it for x-mas). Well, they had a cute Antonio Melani purse that was not to bad and looked pretty cute so I snatched it up. It was only $159 to begin with but getting it for $85.50 was a good deal. Nothing special...but I have a fashion question more than anything. I bought a red one (all they had left was red and a tan color), because I love the color red so much! But I also have a lot of red tops and I do not think this red purse will go too well with most of my wardobe. I don't know if I should return the red purse and get the tan or not. I mean teh tan was pretty but I am afraid it might get dirty really quickly. And the tan looks prettier in person but this is what purse I got...

And this is what mine looks like...I did not care what I looked like in this picture clothing or makeup wise but I wanted to show off the clash that happens with what I was wearing at the time.

Should I return this and just get a more versatile color? Or do you think that it won't be that big of a deal? I also heard tan is a more spring/summer color and would hate to switch out my purses just because of the help please! LOL!
Yeah... that red is just not doing it for me. I would probably get the tan instead. That color does look a little flat though, but with that red top you have, it just accentuates its color as a single dimension, flat and no depth. I'd return it.
BalenciagaLove said:
Yeah... that red is just not doing it for me. I would probably get the tan instead. That color does look a little flat though, but with that red top you have, it just accentuates its color as a single dimension, flat and no depth. I'd return it.
What do you mean looks flat? :huh: I'm lost but yeah I think I will return it and get the tan color. I wish it came in chocolate though...I would have snatched it up right away. :amuse:
I love that color! I do think that this color is a Fall Winter color though. If you love it in this color keep it and pull it out in fall. If you want something for Spring Summer I would go with the tan.
Ooohhh... is that like a burgundy wine red color? I LOVE IT!!! I love reddddd too!! I say keep it. Tan gets too boring. You can wear red bag with anything, just not green or you'll look like Xmas.
I like the colour and looks good on you. I just would not match it with a red shirt. But I think it'll go with all other colours. Like star already said you are a very pretty girl!!!!!!
Inky Paws said:
I love that color! I do think that this color is a Fall Winter color though. If you love it in this color keep it and pull it out in fall. If you want something for Spring Summer I would go with the tan.

Ditto. It would be a great Fall bag! It's got a burberry vibe to me.
Not really...the brown looks better. Again here is a horrible picture because I was too lazy to look decent. I think I will only take time to look good for social things and my BF. :lol:

Actually I'll just cut myself out...lalala there. Not as pretty as the red but it really pops out with most my wardrobe.