Fashion faux pax? (did I kill the spelling on this or what)

And the OTHER thing he said was, "In France ze womans don't match zair scarves wiz zair outfits like ze womans here do. Wiz all zat black you air wairing you should go wiz Lime or Fuschia. Get crazy wiz it!"

something I have a hard time doing is getting crazy with my scarves.....
I don't know about lime and fuschia on you.........................:confused1:
And the OTHER thing he said was, "In France ze womans don't match zair scarves wiz zair outfits like ze womans here do. Wiz all zat black you air wairing you should go wiz Lime or Fuschia. Get crazy wiz it!"

something I have a hard time doing is getting crazy with my scarves.....

In Joisey ze woman does what ze wants!
DQ--LOL! I agree w/HG...not sure about lime and fuschia on you either. That SA was definitely sale-happy...little did they know how little effort they needed to exert w/our dear Shopmom! I can see why certain scarves appear seasonal, but you always have excellent taste and know what will or won't work on you.
shopmom I JUST saw a woman in Beverly Hills that was very "WELL TO DO" wearing your blue scarf with a white pant suit. The suit looked to be cashmere and was a "winter white". She and her scarf looked stunning!!!! She was carrying a Gold Birkin and had white gloves hanging from a glove hanger and she was breathtaking. Very poised, very polished and very stylish. Don't stop making the choices that you make. You always look lovely. That SA just wanted to sell and has probably been successful in the past as I personally get very still and attentive when hearing how "french women do this or that" so I can copy it later on.
Ooooo.....I'd have LOVED to see her, Gazoo! I adore seeing well groomed women carrying Hermes.....I wonder who she was.......

...I've just got to get out of the jeans......I swear........
Shopmom, you didn't actually kill the spelling, but instead of meaning "false step" you said "fake peace".

My favorite is when people speaking assume you never speak a final consonant in French and say "coo de grahh" (so that they then have said "coup de gras," gras meaning fat, instead of "coup de grace" where pronouncing the final "s" would be "grahss") - making me imagine somebody being mercilessly beaten with a piece of blubber.
Ummm...I just love imperious jerks with an accent:smile: You should have looked her in the eye and said that you just bought ze scarf chez Hermes Paris and all ze fashionistas are wearing light blue there! Ha Ha!
Oh, and what I REALLY meant to say was, Good Heavens, isn't this California? Not only does anything go, but don't other people look to see what we're doing and copy us? Wear what makes you look and feel good, and to h-e-double-toothpicks with rules!
Oh, and what I REALLY meant to say was, Good Heavens, isn't this California? Not only does anything go, but don't other people look to see what we're doing and copy us? Wear what makes you look and feel good, and to h-e-double-toothpicks with rules!

I do mean this in the kindest possible way, but women on the East Coast do not copy California, they have their own style.