Fall/Winter 07 Color Swatches + other Information...

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Here we go!!! Can't wait to hear what we think will be the hot new colors!


  • Arena fall winter 07 colors.JPG
    Arena fall winter 07 colors.JPG
    44.5 KB · Views: 1,518
  • Matelasse fall winter 07 colors.JPG
    Matelasse fall winter 07 colors.JPG
    49 KB · Views: 1,226
Thanks ****** !!!
It's very sweet of you to share with us !!!
I was so excited when I opened the files...
I'm a little desappointed...
IMO...the new swatches are not very different than the 3 previous season...but let's wait to see them in real ;)
Thanks so much for the swatches ******!!:nuts:
Although I can't see the colours very clearly, I can certainly see a red (rouge), a blue (bleu), and is that rouille and vert fonce??
Also, the last one on the second row, is that yellow? Or ivory? (I really hope it's yellow!!)
Sorry for the many questions but I'm really excited and the pics are a bit blurry..
I agree...they do look a little similiar to previous seasons. There is the Plomb though, which I'm assuming is Plum? Any French experts?? There is hope with that one! I know many of you are dying for something even close to eggplant. I know it's so hard with these small swatches to really see them. Mastic looks pretty promising too as being different from the past.