fab news!

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Personally I'm no fan of taking pictures, but I actually explain that I'm lazy and that pictures will come as soon as I bother to take some and I usually do, but then again, I'm getting a new digital camera tomorrow, so then I'll probably be more keen on taking pics:graucho: Anyways, I could be terribly wrong -although I highly doubt it- but this does sound very suspect... I find it really hard to believe that a 17 year old doesn't have any form of camera or any friend with some kind of camera.. I live really uncentral, and most of my friends are at least two and a half hour away, but still, I have a camera phone, I have a (bad) webcam and a (bad) camera and even my mom has a camera phone! :s
If this is true, I missed some serious shopping in Grand Cayman! I went into many jewelry stores, Lladro, tourist shops, etc., but I would have definitely remembered those stores unless they have opened recently. :s I love Grand Cayman!

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