eye boogers?


Sep 22, 2006
sorry if this is a kind of stupid question...
i've just recently been more concerned about my beauty regimen and i've heard to be cautious with the skin around your eyes to help prevent aging. i've never cared before but now i want to be more careful but...what do you do when you want to rub your eyes? when i wake up in the morning i have eye boogers in the corners of my inner eyes...a lot of times it's kind of hard from being dry and crusted (sorry if this is gross haha). i just rub my eyes until it's gone but now i realize i'm probably tugging away at my skin. so i've tried avoiding that and just washing my face and hoping it gets washed out but it seems that it doesn't get rid of it completely unless i rub my eyes! so what do you do...??
I can't help you, but you are certainly not alone!! My eyes are all goopy in the morning and sometimes they just keep bothering me even after a shower. Makes it hard to put on makeup!
Get some of those cellulose and glycerin eyedrops (Refresh is the brand but your drugstore may have a generic) and every night before you go to sleep, flood your eyes with that stuff.

It is made for people with dry eyes, and it will make your morning eye boogers wet so they will wash off when you wash your face.