Even My Boss Noticed How Fabu My New Bag Is!

I agree - its something when a MAN notices. BUT I would venture to say your "boss" well . . .uhm. . . I would feel secretly complimented but also wondering WTF? was he FLIRTING with you??
i re: male coworkers/bosses noticing handbags-- a coworker of mine complimented me on my first bbag acquisition.

"cool bag," he said. "i like it."

he stopped short of saying it was sexy and that he wanted to touch it... but in his own basketball watching/beer guzzling way, it was a supreme compliment. i beamed from ear to ear.

it's nice to get that validation of absolute beauty from someone whose idea of high fashion is a shirt from banana republic. no offense to people who wear shirts from banana... but, you get the idea :graucho: