epi or monogram petit noe? help very much needed..

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Nov 8, 2006
Hi all. This is my debut post in tpf although i have been reading all the post for few months. Manage to overcome my shyness today :sweatdrop: . I'm planning to buy a petit noe but torn between epi and monogram. which one is more versatile for work and casual? I have the mini lin speedy currently in my so called "collection". :P I would really appreciate your expert advice.
Well I don't know that my advice is "expert", but I'll give you my .02! :graucho: I personally like the mono petit noe. It goes with everything, can be dressed up or down, where as the epi seems "dressier". I would look on Ebay, I just got one that the patina is nice and tan, and I don't have to worry about using it since it's already "broken" in! ;)

Good Luck and WELCOME!!! :flowers:
Mono would be more casual. Epi would be more dressier, but I think it work casually too. The Epi leather, of course, is easier to take care of and you won't have to worry about patina.
My black epi noe is very casual looking don't worry. I take it every day to drop kids at school and do the shopping etc. Love it. Also people don't stare at me all day like they do when I take my mono speedy out. JMO.
Epi does not have the all vachetta bottom if that is any concern to you. Today's Epi colors are dressier on a more casual basis the Monogram Petit Noe will be to your advantage.
Thanks all for your replies. This forum is so dependable as usual. It's so hard not to come here b4 doing any lv purchases. :yes: First love was the mono petit noe, but viewing all the beautiful solid colour of the noe in the clubhouse, make me torn...i guess i have to also consider my 3-year-old baby b4 deciding.
thanks sharona:flowers: but i can only afford one right now...that's why i've been agonising over the two choices, just want to make sure i would not regret after buying it. will the colour of the epi play a part in how suitable it is for certain occassion? personally like the shine on red epi, but worry it's too dressy for casual outings.
I sold my black epi noe..I loved it but it's rather stiff for me so I sold it. I just bought vintage mono petite noe may be get here next week, for some reason I prefer noe with full patina already not brand new one. I don't really like that stiff drawstring from brand new string.
Go for Mono Petit Noe! I just bought mine in Dec. and I love it! The leather drawstring chord will soften up - it was a bit stiff at first, but is now much softer after tying and untying it. I am being very careful with the purse when putting it down on a chair or table because I don't want the vachetta bottom to get stained. But, I love having a long strap on the purse. The Petit holds alot of stuff!



thanks sharona:flowers: but i can only afford one right now...that's why i've been agonising over the two choices, just want to make sure i would not regret after buying it. will the colour of the epi play a part in how suitable it is for certain occassion? personally like the shine on red epi, but worry it's too dressy for casual outings.

My vote is for the Epi, I am a huge epi fan- it is a little pricier but sooo durable and strong and I love the sheen on it. I also like the subtlety of it, although I have mono items and love them too. I feel like Epi can be dressy or casual, it's very versatile- I wear it with dressy work clothes or with jeans and a sweater. Black or red are my favorites. Will you be going for new or used? Good luck with your decision and let us know what you decide!;)
Epi! I just got an 11 year old one from ebay and it's beautiful. I think it can definitely be dressier casual and it's held up so well over all this time! I have an almost 2 year old and I'm not so worried about the dirt. It seems indestructible. Also, I was worried about how stiff it would be, and it doesn't seem to bother me. The one I have is from the older epi leather which is not as soft. The new ones have the soft leather and are soft. Anyway, that's my 2 cents!
My vote is for the Epi, I am a huge epi fan- it is a little pricier but sooo durable and strong and I love the sheen on it. I also like the subtlety of it, although I have mono items and love them too. I feel like Epi can be dressy or casual, it's very versatile- I wear it with dressy work clothes or with jeans and a sweater. Black or red are my favorites. Will you be going for new or used? Good luck with your decision and let us know what you decide!;)

thanks fashionista. you are right, the sheen on the epi is :drool: . intending to get a new piece.

bagsnbags, bernz and peace - thanks! love your noe bernz..sigh..if only my wallet allow me to have both in epi and mono. will update again on my eventual choice.