
Bob Saget: I just got divorced. Ex-wife got the house in the Palisades. No biggie. I got four other houses, I don't give a sh:cursing: t.

Bob Saget: I was so whacked out on Vikes and Halcion during the 90's I don't remember sh:cursing: t.

Turtle: I drank three bottles of water in the car for this, so could we just get this over with, please?
X-Box Girl: This is X-box, loser…not the Olympics. We don’t give drug tests. If we did, we’d be out of business, idiot.

Eric: Is your dad home?
Model: My dad lives in Tennessee. You must be looking for my "daddy." He's by the pool.

Concessions Girl: Was the sinking of the ship an attempt to foreshadow the forthcoming sinking of the tech market of 2000?
James Cameron: Uh, no. Actually,I just wanted to make little girls cry.

Eric: You think the night before a Mormon wedding a guy says "How am I going to sleep with the same eight women for the rest of my life?"

R.J. Spencer: Eric, I started this website out of my parents' basement for two reasons: to get laid and to make a little money, neither of which are coming to fruition.

Barbara: Eric, we both know Vince has f:cursing: cked half the actresses in this town. Mandy on the other hand, is a good girl.
Eric: (to Ari) You seriously gonna sit here and let them bad mouth Vince like this?
Ari: I thought that was a compliment.

Ari: Lloyd, are you with me? (Lloyd hesitates) Lloyd, what are you doing? You and me we have a special bond. Come on let's go.
Lloyd: Ari, swear to me that will never again say anything offensive to me about my race or sexual orientation.
Ari: I can't swear to that, but I promise I will always apologize after.

Marriage Counselor: When was the last time you had sex?
Ari: With each other, or...?

Eric: Why Ari? Why?
Ari: I'm in bed E, talk dirty to me.
Eric: It's five o'clock in the morning.
Ari: What are you wearing?
Eric: F:cursing: ck you!
Ari: I love it when you say "f:cursing: ck," say it again.

Ari: Where are you? It sounds like you're getting f:cursing: cked with a jackhammer.
Ari's Daughter: Ten dollars in the curse jar, daddy.

Seth Green: (after seeing Ari display the "Dr. Evil pinky") That's funny dude. That pinky bought me a house in Malibu.

Amanda: Did you guys like "Age of Innocence?"
Vince: I don't remember the story, but I do remember after seeing it I knew how to hold my fork.
Yes, the bunny costume was hilarious! So do you think Medellin will tank or succeed?

OMG- it was so funny i almost PMP!! Drama always kills me. You just know anything he's involved in will end up a disaster!!

I'm thinking Medellin will tank. Not that I want it to but in the past Eric's judgement has always proven to be correct. And I think he has indicated that the movie sucks.

Gotta love Ari and Mrs. Ari. She's fab!!
i've heard so many good things about this show but just recently started watching. so i'm catching up with "on demand" and netflix.


i literally LOL when i'm watching it! so well written and entertaining!
What is going on with this show? I have all the DVD's but havent seen season 4 yet as I dont have HBO. Is season 4 on HBO now? Is it done yet so maybe it will be on DVD soon? Or just starting so maybe I should sign up for HBO?

I need a new Ari fix, I miss him!
there are no new shows airing right now. I don't know if they completed any before the writers strike and will be back in the spring or if they completed none and we're just gonna have to wait until this whole mess gets resolved. I miss Ari though!!!!