eBaying my other bags...

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Jan 22, 2007
greetings darlings,
i've decided it's LV or nothing!! so i am going to sell my other designer bags: 1 burberry tote, 2 kate spades and 1 fendi (all authentic, of course). they're all in great condition. question is, what's the best way to sell them, craigslist, ebay, or here at the forum? i've no problem taking/posting a bunch of photos with the listing...

You can sell here only through Marketplace. Thats by application and approval, but we're not supposed to sell directlly.
If you ebay your bags, be prepared for lots of scrutiny, lots of questions. Have tons and tons of photos available. Fill out an application for marketplace and see what happens.

More people will see it on ebay, however. If you have receipts, ebay may ask you to fax them. If all goes well, ebay sales are easier to do, because that's how it's set up, for commerce. People would be more confident about bidding if they knew that they Paypal protection. It's tough to sell on ebay, but much tougher in other venues. If you have a solid record, it is a little easier, but it is draining. If someone sells for you. it's 30 percent plus all those fees.

Best of luck, whatever you decide, because LV is well worth it.