Don't let anyone copy your auctions to sell fake bags!

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I Ever Saw A Lady Using Another Chanel Recepit Bag For 1,095 Pounds Showing To Sell For A Cheaper Version Of Chanel Bag (retail At 895 Pounds Only! ). From My Suspect For A Period Of Time I Think She Bought Bags And Gently Used And Then Resell Them With Brand New Condition With Tags. What A Shame!
This is useful code. Thank you--I will try it. I'm someone who has had my photos stolen several times--and found out about it through alerts from tpf members. Well, after it happened again, I learned to watermark my photos and this is an additional step that I think can be useful. I have let a buyer who wanted to resell a purse they bought from me, that she decided was too small, use my photos. I even emailed her the files so that she wouldn't have to copy them from the listing. But I certainly don't want them used by people selling fakes.
Hope it helps Susan
Thanks BagAngel. I just found two current ebay auctions for cerise pochettes that have copied my text from a completed auction almost word for word including my paypal verified logo. Same font, same colors, same everything :cursing:

Just to confirm - I should copy the text of your original post into description as is? It might not be 100% effective but it will certainly stop the techno challenged.
Thanks BagAngel. I just found two current ebay auctions for cerise pochettes that have copied my text from a completed auction almost word for word including my paypal verified logo. Same font, same colors, same everything :cursing:

Just to confirm - I should copy the text of your original post into description as is? It might not be 100% effective but it will certainly stop the techno challenged.
You must copy the text of my original post into the html of the description not into the description directly. Look at the top of the description box & you will see option for html. If you return to the standard descripton mode to alter description it seems to disappear & you have to go back to html mode & enter again. Just paste in at the top. I learned here that it is not fool proof but certainly a deterrent. I haven't had so much stuff copied since I started using not everyone will know how to get around it. Most fake sellers are dummies anyway! LOL
You must copy the text of my original post into the html of the description not into the description directly. Look at the top of the description box & you will see option for html. If you return to the standard descripton mode to alter description it seems to disappear & you have to go back to html mode & enter again. Just paste in at the top. I learned here that it is not fool proof but certainly a deterrent. I haven't had so much stuff copied since I started using not everyone will know how to get around it. Most fake sellers are dummies anyway! LOL

got it! thanks...
If you return to the standard descripton mode to alter description it seems to disappear & you have to go back to html mode & enter again.

I have been using the right-click disable code for years, and I noticed this recently too. If I switch from html to standard mode, eBay will remove the html code for right-click disable. It's such a PITA! It's almost like they don't want you to protect your auctions. Argh!:cursing: