Dogs and sweets, a must read!!!


I run with scissors
Apr 22, 2006
Reprinted with permission from publication...

No Sweets for Dogs by Carole Jackson
I have always followed the rule of thumb that dog food is for dogs and people food is for people, though I know that I am in the minority on that one. However, as much as we think of our pups as man's best friends, their digestion is definitely different, and they cannot tolerate a number of "people products," including the sugar-free and low-calorie sweetener xylitol (often found in gums, breath mints, candies, toothpastes and baked goods). In fact, xylitol in dogs can be down right deadly.
When I spoke with Eric K. Dunayer, VMD, veterinary toxicologist at the Animal Poison Control Center of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), about the recent report regarding dogs and xylitol, he told me that dogs actually have a sweet tooth and seem especially attracted to xylitol. This sweet tooth can get dogs into serious trouble, even, on occasion, kill them. With their powerful sense of smell, dogs can ferret out xylitol products in seconds and have been known to consume an entire jumbo-sized pack of xylitol sweetened gum lickety split, according to Dr. Dunayer.
Two major physiological events might then occur. For reasons unknown, dogs metabolize xylitol differently than humans -- their insulin levels increase which is why their blood glucose levels drop -- which can lead to hypoglycemia. The dog becomes sleepy, weak and unsteady on the feet and may collapse and seize. This cascade can develop rapidly, says Dr. Dunayer, starting within 30 to 60 minutes after xylitol consumption, depending on the size and age of the dog. The second danger, however, is even more insidious -- fatal liver failure and internal bleeding can develop in dogs who did not show hypoglycemia initially. These reactions have occurred in dogs of various breeds, mixes and both genders, says Dr. Dunayer. Consequently, he says, anyone whose pet has ingested the sweetener must call the vet immediately. Do not induce vomiting unless the vet tells you to do so. The reason: The symptoms move quickly and if the dog should collapse, it could choke on its vomit.
So, all you softies who feed your doggies little yum-yums, stick with the ones that are doggie approved and keep the xylitol along with any chocolate (including cocoa), raisins and grapes far from Fido's reach. (If you didn't know, chocolate can cause rapid heartbeat (heart attack) and excitement... and raisins and grapes can trigger kidney failure in dogs.)
Be well,

Carole Jackson
Bottom Line's Daily Health News