Does Juicy Terry hoodie shed ?


Aug 6, 2008
I bought Terry Basic tracksuit in Regal from Bloomingdales for my sister last week. I recieved them today, but after my sister tried them on, she found out the hoodie sheds over her long sleeve Tee that she wears under the hoodie. and then, she tried to hand wash the hoodie, the water is dyed to be dark blue with the shedded stuff from the hoodie, Is this normal? will it stop shedding or fading after some wash? Never bought Juicy Tracksuit before, and don't expect such thing happened , after all I think the price is kinda high! the quality should have been good enough !

Any one knows?
I think this would be normal for some dark colored clothes (Juicy or otherwise), but would expect the shedding and dye running to stop after a couple of washes. If not return it to Bloomies for being defective. Also, a warning, she should be careful not to get the dye on any of her clothes or bags.