i bought a chloe bag that is a rare style according to the seller. Does anyone here know if chloe authenticates? As well as Niemans or saks? Thanks for your help
I will call them once I get the bag (I know chanel doesn't authenticate, but I thought someone here got a paddy authenticated) I'm pretty sure it's real, just a little skittish! I will post pics once I get it.
No, Chloe does not authenticate. I brought my paddy to the Chloe boutique in NYC and asked but the SA told me that as a company, they do not authenticate. I bought my paddy at Nordstrom so I knew that it was authentic anyway.
That's why eBay sellers require you to have the bag authenticated and provide them with a written document from the Chloe boutique for returns...they know that Chloe won't do it, so you cannot comply with their return "policy"...nice, huh?