do you throw away designer clothes that are old & worn out?

Hmm.. all the nice/designer things I've gotten tired of or look outdated, I try to sell to a "clothing recycling" store like Crossroads. If the item is actually worn out and I feel like I've gotten enough use out of it, I might either donate it or throw it out.
No, I try not to throw anything out (don't want to be wasteful). I try to sell designer items on eBay. If they don't sell then I donate them to charity. Rarely does anything actually go in the garbage.
I just give my stuff away if it is in good condition even if it is dated. If it is worn, then yes, I toss it. I hate the hassle of consignment/eBay so those generally don't enter my mind.
I give away most of the clothes that I won't wear anymore. If it's in super good condition and is designer I might try to sell it..otherwise I don't bother and just give them to my cousins or the goodwill.
I dontae, sell or hold on to them. Since there's really nothing new under the sun, sometimes all it takes is some tweaking to update them and make them current. There are a few things that remain in my closet no matter what.