Do you think people take offense to things too easily??

Well, I must say that I feel much more relieved that I'm not the only one. I felt like I was being so insensitive to things and just didn't understand. Granted, I know that there are many times when it is warranted but it just seems to happen all so often as most of you agreed. Thanks for the reassurance!!:okay:
I think there's a bit of a dichotomy (over here anyway) - I think some people are ultra-sensitive about what is said to them, or about them and are often also terrified that they'll accidentally say something wrong to others and then other people are about as sensitive as a brick and can't wait to insult everybody, under the pretense of not being 'false', or 'two-faced', speaking their mind and calling a spade a spade.

The former make the latter even more 'outspoken' (for outspoken read rude!), by being annoyingly politically correct and the latter make the former even more terrified of appearing to be like them (i.e. rude and offensive) and so, even more politically correct (which then annoys the former even more still...) and so it goes on. :shrugs:

Great post! I say yes to the OP's question.
Yes. Absolutely. And I think it paves the way of people not taking responsibility of things or being straightforward, because they think other people will be offended. I hate when people sugarcoat things when I am trying to make a decision. If you aren't free, just tell me. If you think it's a bad idea, just tell me. If you make a mistake, just tell me, especially in a professional relationship.
This is an issue that drives my Grandmother absolutely nuts as she thinks that we are all way too sensitive in this day and age. I've recently been pondering that exact question even in my own life and the way I respond to things that are said/done/etc. Do you think that people are looking for an excuse to saying they are offended? I feel like these days, no matter what you say or do, someone is going to be hurt or upset by it and tell you that what you're saying is offensive to him/her/it/whatever the case might be. Even in my own life, I can recall instances where I've gotten offended over the most minute things that really didn't matter and even when the person who said it didn't mean it that way.

Just my rant for the day I guess. How about you?? Ever notice that it seems more prevalent these days?

I agree with your grandmother. I have thought so for years.
I do not think I am overly sensitive depends on the person saying it. I take offense to people who generalize a statement about a group of people whether it be singling out females, males or a race of people.

No more hiding. Everything has been coming to light these past years and for a reason. Everything that was hidden is now revealed.

Most days I love everyone on here, sometimes... I feel like I'm either in a pissing contest or everyone is against me.
The thing that gets me is that so many threads are asking for opinions or suggestions. Involve yourself in one of those, and you find that in no time someone is attacking you because of your idea/thoughts/advice, that don't jive with their beliefs. It's just opinions but too many in a thread could prove to be disastrous.