Do You Shampoo (Very Often)?


Gettin my Griff On
Jan 4, 2007
I read an article today on MSBC ( about how some people go months or even years (yikes! :nuts:) without using shampoo on their hair. The idea is that frequent shampooing strips out natural oils, causing the scalp to go into oil production overdrive - leading the hair and scalp to be even oilier, thus forcing people to shampoo even more. A similar argument has been made about why we shouldn't use harsh cleansers on our face or overwash the skin.

The people referenced in the article state that they only use warm water rinses and/or baking soda and vinegar to cleanse hair. This process allows them to go a long time without using a manufactured shampoo. I personally can't go more than two days without shampooing my hair. I've always had an oily scalp, so I feel (and look) yucky and without a regular cleanse.

I've heard people claim that they'll skip a few days between shampooing, but do many of you skip longer than that time? Does anyone follow this no shampoo process or even tried it? What is your experience? Please share or weigh in.
I suppose it is much better for the environment, too, but I've never tried it. I usually shampoo daily and sometimes more than once (after exercise). I don't find my scalp to be extraordinarily oily, but I don't feel clean unless I wash my hair. I also wash my face twice a day with cetaphyl.
I do every other day. On the second day, I have to wear it half up though, b/c it is greasy by the end of the day and kind of gross looking. Plus, it feels gross.

I can't imagine using just baking soda or vinegar.
I wash my hair once every 3 days and its very healthy and shiny. Else, my hair would be way too dry and it takes a long time to style.

I have tried only water rinses and I have also tried the conditioner only wash and neither worked for my hair. I do start to get the oilies after 3 days, so I cant imagine people going any longer than that.
I do every other day. On the second day, I have to wear it half up though, b/c it is greasy by the end of the day and kind of gross looking. Plus, it feels gross.

I can't imagine using just baking soda or vinegar.

I usually wear my hair back on the second day too. I find it doesn't want to hold a style when it's more oily (it just falls flat).
I wash my hair every other day. Usually by the end of the second day, my hair's just greasy enough to drive me nuts. If I'm feeling really lazy, I'll go a third day without washing my hair and just put it up in a low ponytail.
I wash my hair about once a week or so in the 'winter' sometimes only using conditioner and I can't remember how often in the summer..much more frequent though. My hair comes down to my chest and is thick, can only wrap the pony tail holder around my hair twice thick so drying is an event for me. Ive never had oily/greasy hair (ever!) unless I load it with products which only happens once in a blue moon and I very rarely have bad hair days even the last day before I wash my hair.
I live in a country which has a hot and humid climate, so I wash my hair every day. If I get lazy or come home too late, I may skip washing that day but hair goes up into a pony tail the next day cos the roots wld be oily and it is just too gross for me to have 1 day old unwashed hair falling on my face and neck.
It depends. I too, have fine, straight hair, so sometimes it gets greasy..... but if I can get away with it, I definitely skip the shampoo and just rinse with water (so I can dry and style it again) but I do love the dry shampoo made by SAMY. (Check out the reviews on

I definitely don't shampoo the day after I get it colored, and I can't remember the last time I shampooed on a Sunday....
I have to wash my hair everyday with shampoo and conditioner. I have oily skin, and my scalp will get oily and itchy after less than 24 hours. I've tried to go 2 days without washing my hair, and omigosh my scalp was so freakin itchy and it smelled a little funny. Plus, I have naturally curly hair and I apply hair gel into my hair every morning. So I have no choice but to wash my hair every night.