Food Do you inspect the Nutritional Facts on packaged foods before eating/buying them?

I'll check on occasion. But I rarely buy items that would require checking (which I believe would mostly be processed foods, like chips, cookies, crackers, frozen foods, drinks, etc.). I try to avoid having to worry about it buy purchasing organic cookies and such, but I still check with those the first time around, lol. Only for ingredients, I'm not a calorie/fat counter. I do look for sodium though, I can't handle overly salty foods, nor do I want to consume them anyway
Yes. I don't buy or eat anything packaged from stores unless I know the nutritional information, specifically the calorie count. I watch my calorie intake. I don't care about fat, cholesterol, trans fat, or anything else: just calories.
I do check the nutritional facts plus I check the ingredients and avoid products that I don't like, ie too many artificial ingredients and or too high in calories.
Usually I have a general list of groceries I get eveyr week so I know what's in them. If it's a new product, I'll check to see if anything has hydrogenated oils in it.
I always check the nutritional info and for artificial ingredients. Even though I usually shop at Trader Joe's or Whole Foods, they still have a lot of packaged foods with bad ingredients.