Do "U" know what you need or want?

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Betty Boop

coach junky
Nov 27, 2006
Going though my coach things I realized that there are certain color bags that I need and do not have.:confused1: All this buying and it seems that I'm buying things that I like, not things that I need to go with my everyday clothes. I went to look for a basic leather black bag and did not have one so I purchase the one in the Feb thread. My needs start like this:....

black leather bag
brown leather bag
black sig bag
brown sig bag
then all other stuff......lots and lots of color.

:idea: When was the last time you check you collection to see if anything was missing?
i need a black bag...(well, i have one but don't like it. it's sat in my closet since the day i decided i couldn't live without it).

and i want a gallery tote, but none of them wow'ed me this week.
I really want a gallery tote. I have for a long time. When I tried one on in the store it looked great on me, and I don't say that too often. I want the khaki sig/brown one.
Right now, I have a collection that seems to go: brown, metallic something, tan, ivory, black with brown, khaki with gold . . . So I think I want something with color, and I've been lusting after the pond legacy shoulder for a while now (made worse when I bought my pond wristlet in an effort to quench the desire for the bag).

I think it's turning from lust to need ;)

I also have no gallery totes, but may "settle" for a legacy tote at the next PCE - I really want to see that bag in person!
Great question!! I try to figure this one out all the time! I envy people that seem to have this minimal amount of items, but always seem to have the most incredible collection of items!! I knew people like this in college, that had one drawer of clothing, and small closetful of stuff, but always looked awesome and different everyday...

Then there is me... I have drawers and closets brimming with stuff... but then I go to grab something, and don't really have anything that works!! Then I end up in jeans, a tee shirt, and the same bag everyday... How does this happen???

I have a ton of black & blue family bags... I really need something in the maroon/red family and something in brown... (I only have the Mia in whiskey, and it is kinda big and not great for all professional situations...) But... every time I go shopping... I get sucked into buying the same thing over and over...

Good question!! I think I need to assess what I have and make a "to get list" before going shopping next time!!! Thanks for bringing this up Betty Boop!:yes:
How about having a little fold out of ALL the bags you have when you shop (although I think this requires too much organization for me.) I keep getting blue and then red bags....I need to branch out colorwise
Good question!! I think I need to assess what I have and make a "to get list" before going shopping next time!!! Thanks for bringing this up Betty Boop!:yes:

"to get list" this sounds like a plan. I'll write down what I have and add like that instead of buying just because "I LIKE IT". I'm not saying it will work but i'm willing to give it a try;)
I just went through all my bags and accessories and have ended up with a pretty good collection that actually meets my needs. I have a little color with my pond bag, then I have a couple of shades of brown and then a small signature demi and a punch demi. I've got small bags and larger ones now so the only thing I really need is a larger tote for travel. I guess I'd like to have a really nice red bag too but I'm not in a hurry to get it right now. I've also narrowed down my mini skinny and wristlet collection. (I had quite a few still with tags that can go back to Macy's!) It's just so hard to stay practical with so many beautiful bags to love!
I don't "need" anymore bags, if you want to get technical. But I want to get the Hamptons caryall in that gorgeous coral color. I saw it in the store and it's a very pretty color *though I have no idea what I'd wear it with* and I love that style bag as well.

Oh and a zoe if I can get one. I've decided I really would like one of those.