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BV ~ Ferragamo ~ TODs
Aug 17, 2007
Please discuss the reference library here...

Do we need more style threads? Fewer threads? Clarifications?

This is the spot to contribute your comments and help shape the reference library into something that is the best it can be!
jburgh, is there a way to indicate new posts since last visit for TOD'S REFERENCE LIBRARY & TOD'S SHOPPING? For all the other subforums/threads, the title appears boldfaced if there are new posts since the last visit; however, TOD'S REFERENCE LIBRARY & TOD'S SHOPPING always appear boldfaced, so unless the tPFer can remember the time of the last visit––and then check that time against the time in the right column––we have to click on these each time we visit to see if there are new posts. Many thanks!
Let me see if I can explain it in a way that makes sense. There is a hierarchy of forums and subforums, like when you do an outline. The Forum is Premier Designer Forums. Tod's is a subforum, and the Reference Library and Shopping are sub-sub forums. Only when you get down to threads where member are actually posting does the bold/unbold feature you mentioned come into play. So, the "Tod's," "Reference Library" and "Shopping" will always be bold. But if you click on the sub-sub forum, you will see the threads that are bold/unbold, because that is what is interactive.

Did I make sense? That is how it works so I guess the answer to your question is that there is not a feature to make that part be bold/unbold.
Melora, I have the Pashmy Luna first generation (just like your black one) in burgundy. Do you find it easy to use. It tends to slip off my shoulder but I love how light-weight it is. Thanks for sharing your great pictures.
You're right, Maedi, the patent leather of the strap is a little bit slippery. It depends on the cloth/textile I'm wearing. But as you mentioned, I really appreciate the light-weight of the nylon Pashmys as well. :yes:
It's such a shame that the reference library hasn't been kept up to date - I wanted to add some of my bags to the threads, but I can't because it's so outdated.

Seem's there's not enough of us Tod's fans to keep this section going. :sad:
It's such a shame that the reference library hasn't been kept up to date - I wanted to add some of my bags to the threads, but I can't because it's so outdated.

Seem's there's not enough of us Tod's fans to keep this section going. :sad:
You are so right. It's so sad, that it is so quiet and deserted here in this section. And I cannot understand that. Here on tPF are relatively many who own Tod's bags but only so few ones who show their styles in the reference library. But why?

But Jbr12, please try again to add some photos. Had you clicked on the box by the "old thread warning"? I believe you are able to answer if you confirm this sentence:
"I am aware that this thread is rather old but I still want to submit a new reply!"[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]
You are so right. It's so sad, that it is so quiet and deserted here in this section. And I cannot understand that. Here on tPF are relatively many who own Tod's bags but only so few ones who show their styles in the reference library. But why?

But Jbr12, please try again to add some photos. Had you clicked on the box by the "old thread warning"? I believe you are able to answer if you confirm this sentence:
"I am aware that this thread is rather old but I still want to submit a new reply!"[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]

It's strange, isn't it? I love my Tod's in much the same way as I love my Bottegas, as they are so discreet, not in-your-face, but always such lovely quality. I'm a sucker for Italian design.

I'm slowly adding a few images now, thanks for the help! :biggrin: