Did anyone buy the Mandy in Signature?

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Jan 7, 2007
I see that a lot of you women have different legacy styles in leather, but do any of you have them in Signature? I have the Mandy in Signature w/gold trim. I always buy the leather bags, usually in the brown/tan colors. I have the Legacy Pocket Satchel from a couple of years ago in brown. The Mandy is my first Signature bag, as the Signature styles aren't normally my style (but I wanted something different & got a great deal). My hubby thinks it looks gawdy. What do you girls think?:shrugs:


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I'm the opposite of mrs jones - I love the gold, but I'm not a fan of signature. But if you like it, go for it! I have pieces in my collection I've heard other ladies here say they don't like, and have seen pieces that are just not for me in others' collections. I always just look at that as a great reminder of one of the things I love about Coach - there are so many styles that they have something for everyone!
I like it a lot too. And if you like it and got a deal on it, more power to you.

My fiance doesn't like some of my bags (and clothes). But he also tries to wear hockey jerseys to fancy restaurants. LOL. I would never let him pick out my bags!
it's a gorgeous bag, if that's the colors you love. i personally don't like gold or brass...so this bag has a whole bunch of that! lol. but objectively, i like it.