DESPERATE, HELP! Do you experts think this Hermes Birkin is real?

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Jan 14, 2007
Hi Everyone,

All of a sudden I've got an itchin' for a Birkin. I've got plenty of other gorgeous labels but would like to add this to my collection. I just resorted to looking on Ebay and found a couple but I'm a newbie on REAL Birkins so I need your help!

eBay: Blue Jean Swift & Palladium 35cm HERMES BIRKIN BAG (item 160072289581 end time Jan-19-07 10:02:58 PST)

Also, I found 2 orange Birkins on Ebay and both came with off-white sleepers? Is that just a coincidence?

Any help will be greatly appreciated. :hysteric:
Both bags are made in 2006 but those with the new sleepers are obviously made later in the year, in fact, during the last couple of months of 2006. The new sleepers were introduced only the last couple of months, so that explains the difference in sleepers.
^Hermes is in the process of moving the old sleepers to the new herringbone beige ones. I think there are as many different sizes of sleepers as there are 180 to 190 different sizes of orange boxes.