Delightful PM or Totally MM azur?


Feb 6, 2011
I am so crazy about them. Which one should I buy? If I buy the Delightful PM I could buy a wallet or agenda that matches it! Possibly the desk agenda/small ring agenda Mono or Elise wallet in Mono. But if I get the Totall MM in Azur which is quite more gorgeous than the delightful ( i heard slouching issues ) and shapy (?) or holds its shape quite nicely, I can pair it up with the ZCP ( epi only. Which should I get? Im also considering the fact that office envelopes, folders and a macbook/laptop can fit inside these two. Which one?

Thanks tpfers!

:heart: lc4x4
i'm the minority here but i like the delightful only in the MM size. Imo the Pm is small to slouch enough and is not deep enough to be without a zipper.. i say totally! good luck!