Define Luxury...


Which painting did you buy and why?

The Marylin Monroe/Michael Jackson one in a gold frame, and I don't know, I was a stupid child being spoilt by daddy haha! But there was actually something that jumped out at me about it. I could have got the toilet seat sculpture but ohhh nooo, my dad used the whole 'it wont fit on the plane' excuse...
Luxury denote something desirable that is not a necessity but conducive to pleasure and comfort. Amen to that for I buy LVs and some other luxuries simply because I desire them and they bring me pleasure and comfort LOL That's been said, for me and I kid you not, anything inessential can be conducive to pleasure and comfort only when everything essential has been covered. :smile:
MrBrainwash! Yup! The show was in LA and i was one of the suckers who paid out for one of his canvas's! His work was much like the work of Banksy's because they worked closely together, there's a whole film about it :smile:

He wound up doing the cover of Madonna's greatest hits CD, so He's kind of a genius! I loved that doc - Exit through the Giftshop. Inside Job won the Oscar that year, but ETTGS shop was my favorite from the nominated films.