Cristina so kindly sent me the Aloha Rag PDF of the balenciagas they had in stock...and I thought to myself "If they have the classique in ink or caramel..i'm going for it" Lo and behold...I open it and the classique in ink is the first bag I see
I just read on the AR website that they don't charge tax OR shipping...should I go for it??
I have been trying to subdue my want for a Balenciaga for about 4 months now...and it just has NOT gone away!!
Basically, should I just go for it? I LOVE the ink color, but I'm also impartial to the caramel bc I have yet to own a caramel colored bag. What would be more practical - ink or caramel? To buy or not to buy?! At least this is the biggest problem of the day... :shame:

Basically, should I just go for it? I LOVE the ink color, but I'm also impartial to the caramel bc I have yet to own a caramel colored bag. What would be more practical - ink or caramel? To buy or not to buy?! At least this is the biggest problem of the day... :shame: