Cutlets for members of the Itty-Bitty-Tittie-Committee

jc2239 said:
i've been wanting to get the surgery for years but i've been too scared by all the horror stories i've heard.....hardening/losing all feeling/infection, etc----plus doctors just scare me........and just how strange i'd look when i'm older or if i ever decided to have them removed.....but the idea is still extremely appealing to me...i dunno

I had it done in 1990. In 97 I had a mammo and discovered one ruptured. I had them removed and replaced with saline implants. I hate the saline and would love to have them done again with the original silicon. I think it's just a matter of time before I do it again.
Another member! I've never tried the chicken cutlets tho. I definitly love the very sexy pushup from VS, its the only kind I will wear, even if it is "false advertising". On that topic...
I was once humilated at a comedy club, I was with a bunch of my friends and they sat us in the front row, so the comic looks at me, and says, do you know why they call it the wonder bra? you take it off and you wonder where all the boobies went. I definitly gave him my best "i'm mad at you" look.
^^ oh man, I would have thrown something at that butthole comedian.

I have small boobs (a-cup) and I'm totally fine with them. the thought of implants makes me cringe. sometimes I wish i had cleavage and stuff, but I would much rather not gain the weight anyway, and I can always get a BA someday.
I do have stretch marks, though...does anybody else? they're from when I was really young and they're almost fading away now but I would love to figure out a way to get rid of them.
IntlSet said:
Ha! We all think that when we're young. But you got a man way better looking than any senator. :oh: Just be GRACIOUS enough not to remind me I once thought I would marry a senator when I have a plumber husband whose buttocks hang out of his pants.
Intl I just peed my pants first when I read your thread and now that comment:lol: :lol: You are hilarious!!! I just love your funny comments. I know what you mean when I had this problem I had those nude bras and they really work but you still have the same problem with a guy because than he'll see the plastic tucked to your breast. After pregnancy and not breast feeding I had 1 1/2 cup size more and now I've put on my 5kg winter fat I can't even put them properly in my bra anymore:shame: but I'm on a diet now.
I had a BA about 6 months ago and I am very happy with the results. I virtually had no pain whatsoever. The only scary part was when the nurse put in the iv in me, that scared me but it only pinched! When I woke up, I was ready to walk around and everything! The nurse asked me if i needed a wheelchair and i said no and walked to the car myself. However, make sure you do ur research before anything and the recovery part is different for everyone.
I just bought the NU BRA hoping it will be used a lot this summer. Who cares what men say.. if we wanna false advertise.. so be it..they are just upset cause they cant accessorize like we can :smile:anyone remember that episode of Sex in the City .. actually there are a lot of episodes that have the cutlets.. but the episode I remember most is when Samantha wore her fake stickies.. we can always do that if it comes down to it.. just pull em out and toss it to the side :biggrin: tee hee
I want to get a BA, I'm not worried about losing feeling in my nipples, because I never had any. My friends all tell me I'm missing out, but I guess you can't miss what you never had in the first place! :nuts:

My bf tries but nothing.. NOTHING happens up there for me.
i find that gel bras with straps at least half and inch work great as temporary breast enhancer. i thought the nu bra was just a gimmick, but now i wnat to try it.