I'm still really into metallics -- I have a silver and I have a bronze. I'd really like something in a matte coppery color. Has anyone seen anything? I'd love some direction.
I have some of this stashed. It is called copper. May not be what you are looking for though. It isn't actually metallic, justa dark copper brown with light copper tan showing through in the "creases"
If it is i can make into a bag for ya.
I have to say that I am 40 something and I love Pink, gold and sparkly things. I have a Gold Suhali Le Fabuleux and that is me But I have to tell you folks that the girls (and guys) turning there heads after my bag are mostly in the range of 3 to 5 years old, they even point there little fingers at my bag and goes oooohhh
To the question of cooper leather, thats a tricky one. I cant recall ever seeing a bag in cooper. The closest I think are these to Fendi Spy bags.
Well, how about this...it's a got a mix? Another poster was contemplating this Botkier bag in a different color, and this kind of has the coppery accents/new penny color to it. I think other bags from Botkier (if you are not sold on the shape) come in this coppery tone.