"I admit I am always looking for a good bargain on handbags, but so far I have never found one. This leaves me to conclude that anyone who buys off eBay or a discount seller must suspect the bag is fake and just doesn't care."
To conclude that because you haven't done it, it isn't possible is simply using extremely faulty logic. There are many lovely ladies who have bought/sold things on ebay quite successfully. There are a zillion and one fakes, but if you take propor precautions you can get a good deal. I recently purchased an older Louis Vuitton Speedy 30, at an excellent price and it's authentic.
"I think some people just want the designer label and a good fake is better than an authentic bag that costs a fortune and will be out of style at the end of the season. If you fall into this category, there's nothing wrong with that- if there weren't people out there willing to pay for a fake, there wouldn't be sellers willing to sell to them."
Fake handbags
are a problem, since they're illegal and support awful things. Still, a lot of people are ignorant to this and a lot of people aren't even aware of purchasing a fake! Handbags aren't a huge deal to everyone, so not everyone understands the icky world of fakes. There are a lot of people who do purchase fake handbags with full knowledge of all it entails, and while I simply can not agree with that, I don't think they're bad people. I have no problem with imitations, I personally don't care for the, but they are a viable option.
"Personally, I stay away from the "must have" bags of the season, and the luxury brands (when I can resist). For every authentic bag I spend my hard-earned money on, there's a dozen phonies out there, making me look just as cheap and skanky as they look."
While that is understandable, it doesn't make sense. Yes, it's always nice when someone compliments your designer or IT handbags, but I know most of the lovely ladies here buy it more for their own personal satisfaction. Handbags are little works of art. They're just an insanely fun thing to know about/enjoy. If you want people to recognize how much you've spent on the hanbag, and that it's real, I suggest taping a photocopy of the reciept to it, and making sure to point it out so
everyone knows how pricey it was. The fakes don't ruin having a nice bag... knowing you have a quality designer product that's authentic is quite satisfactory.
"I am not an expert on fake bags, but I have a simple solution for spotting a fake in public. If a girl looks like she can't afford an education and she's wearing a $1000 bag, you just have to chuckle. You know what I'm talking about when you see them."
I'm absolutely horrified by this statement. First of all, that's a very flawed way to spot a fake designer product. Affluence does not equal wearing haute couture at all times. Sometimes people go out in their sweats from old navy, but they could be carrying their Chloe Paddington! We all judge others on their appearance, but that is taking it a little too far. I can spot more obvious fakes, because of the actual flaws on the BAG, not the person. Anyways, I will never understand why people think you must be affluent/educated to fully appreciate designer products. I only own three designer bags, a Botkier, a
coach, and my Speedy 30 ( I've also only been here for a couple months.
). I adore them all! I couldn't afford the retail for a brand new Speedy, but I've been wanting one for awhile. I could've waited untill my birthday, but I'm an impatient little person. So, I looked around on ebay, sought advice from the girls hear, and now I have suuuch a beautiful bag that I completely adore. I wanted an LV because an iconic, quality product that will last me for awhile. My handbag is a little older, but still in really good condition- which speaks for the craftsmanship. Do I not fully appreciate LV because I didn't pay retail, and couldn't afford too? Erm, no!
Anyways. You are entitled to your own opinion on these matters, and I appreciate you sharing them with us, but I couldn't not type up any kind of response.
I would very much like to hear further explanations for your logic on this topic.