Food Comments That Ruin Your Meal!

i am slightly a person who makes comments. The only time I remember is when I was at my friends house and she ate LITERALLY 15 double-stuffed oreos!!
I thought that was CRAZY so i said like "DANG girl! had enough oreos?!"
and she said, I LOVE THESE! and ate another.

I didn't think it was that bad
i am slightly a person who makes comments. The only time I remember is when I was at my friends house and she ate LITERALLY 15 double-stuffed oreos!!
I thought that was CRAZY so i said like "DANG girl! had enough oreos?!"
and she said, I LOVE THESE! and ate another.

I didn't think it was that bad

The only person I make comments to is my mom - because I have to help watch her diet since she had a heart attack before and gaining additional weight would put her at increased risk of another one.

Everyone else I really don't care what they eat and how they eat it because it's their body and they can do whatever the heck they want to it.

My boyfriend's mom is on the urge of getting diabetes, I think she is pre-diabetic, yet every time I see her she is eating multiple slices of chocolate cake or sweets like 5-6 giant chocolate chip cookies at a time. I thought about saying something because I am very concerned about her health but then again decided not to interfere. She doesn't listen to the doctors, so I figured me saying something wouldn't change anything and probably will be taken the wrong way anyway.
When family members push you to finish everything on your plate. Ok so this hasn't happened since I was 10 but it always made me upset. When you're being forced to eat quicker it ruins the meal.
I have a friend who constantly comments on my food. Once she even said that what I was eating made her feel sick because it was too early to eat a cookie at 8am. HELLO but if its bothering you so much then go away and leave me too eat in peace!

ugh I feel much better!
I have a workmate who alays says to me "Whaatt, you're eating again??" whether it's morning snack, lunch or afternoon snack I'm eating. He thinks I sit at my desk and munch all day which isn't true. This really puts me off! I also get "Do you realise that's going to clog up your arteries?". Whtaever!
my stepdad used to call me the human garbage disposal and it really hurt my feelings and would make me eat even more because I was upset. It really bothers me when people make a comment about my weight and say things like she doesn't need to be eating that she is already FAT and needs to just order a salad and water I mean wtf I will eat whatever I wanna eat at least I can lose the weight they can't get rid of that nasty attitude.
when i was in high school, i went to my moms store after school and she had spaghetti ready for me cuz she knew i would be hungry...

i was enjoying my home made food when this old man came in and said.." YOU SHOULD REALLY STOP EATING, MAYBE THATS WHY YOUR SO FAT!"

he had no right in any form to tell me that.. i was in school all day and hadn;t eaten anything. just because people who are "heavier" eat, doesnt mean they EAT all day. why do some people assume bigger people all they do is eat all day?

i dropped my food and went in the back and bursted into tears.

for the longest i had a problem letting people see me eat. :sad:
I can't stand all the cluck clucking and fussing about calories, fat grams, whatever. I have a couple friends doing weight watchers and it's AWESOME but they know that when we go out to just relax and enjoy our meals. Sure it's good to eat healthy, but I don't need a WW dissertation while I'm trying to eat! I'd rather talk about that stuff when we're NOT eating out if that makes any sense.
Personally, I HATE when people make excuses for eating. Like, "I haven't eaten all day, I NEED to splurge a little" or "I would never eat something like this normally, I don't know what is wrong with me today". I never get that, it pisses me off. Who cares what, when, and how you eat! It really ruins my meal, do they think I would actually judge them on that?

I also know facts and figures about every menu item, and it's so annoying when someone is like, "can you give me the rundown on what i'm eating". Which is usually followed up with, "how does that compare to your dish"! Oy, I love going out with many people, but some friends I can no longer eat with!
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I hate it when people say anything about the amount of food, calories, or my wieght.

"That's all you're eating?"
"You're eating ALL that?"
"A bagel has the same amount of carbs as eight slices of bread."
^^ Oh man some of these are reaaally bad! There are some nasty people out there! Okay, not all of these are people just being nasty, some just don't know any better, but then others! Oh my gosh!! This is exactly what I was talking about...